We help people improve on living a healthy, independent lifestyle.
CaringLegends, LLC is a Christian, community-based, mission-driven health care agency dedicated to providing exceptional, affordable, compassionate care to elderly, injured, and disabled individuals in the comfort of their own homes. Our unique in-home programs are designed specifically to reduce stress on loved ones and caregivers and bring joy into time spent together.
Companion Services
CaringLegends, LLC Companions provide the support and supervision that will enable your loved one to continue to enjoy the comfort of their home, whatever home is and continue to be independent and participate in their care as well as get the extra assistance they need to remain safe and comfortable.
We have observed that getting started on a limited basis, even a few hours a week, allows patient and family member caregivers to see and enjoy benefits and time spent together. Therefore, it is never too early to get your loved one to experience outside help. CaringLegends, LLC Companion Services include:
- Social and mental activities to maintain balanced well-being
- Friendly conversation and participation in recreational activities
- Assistance with verbal/written correspondence
- Assistance with maintaining medication schedule
- Transportation to physician appointments, shopping or recreation
- Supervision of dressing/bathing and assistance with general mobilities
- Meal planning & preparation
- Light housekeeping & laundry

Live-In Companion Care
CaringLegends, LLC Live-In Companions offer the highest level of quality personal care & assistance on an uninterrupted basis.
Our passionate caring staff takes personal pride and finds true joy in helping our elderly/disabled clients. With continuous monitoring and coordination of daily living activities, your loved one can remain comfortable and secure in their own home.
This service combines the Companion/Homemaker & Personal/Private Duty Care Assistant Duties.

The CaringLegends Guarantee
- NO fee increases for at least two years
- Care with complete peace of mind
- Added value: Week 26 is FREE of charge
- Professional, Caring and Reliable Service
- Custom care planning with your participation
- A continuum of care with endless options
Hospital Stay/Rehabilitation
Medical emergencies or planned hospital procedures can be a struggle for family caregivers. CaringLegends, LLC experienced & passionate caregivers can be available to keep your loved one safe and comfortable during a hospital waiting period prior to admission or discharge. If not admitted, they can drive your loved one home or keep them company until a family member or responsible party arrives.
After your rehab/hospital stay, you want to transition safely back to your home and community living.
- We can help you safely transition from hospital or rehab stay back to the comfort of your home. We take the hassle out of discharge instructions, & tedious paperwork.
- Call the caregivers at CaringLegends, LLC let us coordinate your care at home.

Homemaker Services
CaringLegends, LLC Homemakers provide a wide range of elder and disabled care services. In addition to Companion services, our Homemaker Services include:
- Companion Care & Respite Care Services
- Household organization and upkeep
- Incontinence Assistance, Toileting
- Grocery Shopping, Meal preparation
- Transfer, Standby Assistance
- Temporary, Long-Term Assistance
Respite Companion Services
Whether you need temporary relief or extended home care for an adult, child or sibling with disabilities, CaringLegends, LLC can help. For children with special health needs or developmental delays such as autism, we offer the attention and devotion needed while allowing parents or primary caregivers to take the time off for other daily activities.
It’s also easy for primary caregivers to experience burnout while caring for their loved-one. At CaringLegends, LLC we know that everyone needs a break. Therefore, our passion to care staff recognizes and offers Respite Care, a special maintenance and supervisory service that temporarily relieves the primary caregiver from the emotional and physical burden of daily tasks.
We put the “YES” back in taking time off for you, “Yes” in socializing when you need to and “Yes” in relaxing with friends and families.
- This is the time taken to Rejuvenate and Replenish your caring heart and spirit. Now you can care for yourself while your loved one is being cared for by one of our professional caregiver.
- Just four (4) hours off your caring duties every now and then can create a sound balanced lifestyle with unimaginable benefits including happiness and content.

The CaringLegends Guarantee
- NO fee increases for at least two years
- Care with complete peace of mind
- Added value: Week 26 is FREE of charge
- Professional, Caring and Reliable Service
- Custom care planning with your participation
- A continuum of care with endless options

Vacation or Short Trip
This is a major way our respite program is used. We can provide 24/7 respite care to your love one for a period of time while you are away so that you can avoid taking them to an institutionalized setting. We will coordinate and manage their care 24/7 in the comfort of their home.
Escort Program
This is another way to include your elderly/disabled love one in any major ceremony or event.
- Do you have a major ceremony/event, such as a wedding, birthday party or honorary ceremony and you would like for your elderly/disabled love one to attend?

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Companion Care
Dealing with Alzheimer’s and Dementia diseases & seeing parents age can be difficult and heartbreaking. Alzheimer’s and Dementia can go unnoticed due to the fact that it is commonly mistaken for a normal process of aging. Although there is no known cure enabling those afflicted with this condition, studies have shown that remaining in familiar surroundings can go a long way in easing the anxiety, pain, depression & confusion that are so commonly associated with the disease.
CaringLegends, LLC Companions, Homemakers & Personal/Private Duty care assistants are trained on how to communicate with individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s and Dementia. They also receive training in music, touch and aroma therapy as well as successful strategies for caring for people afflicted with this disease.
- We provide customized care for clients who are experiencing symptoms or who are diagnosed with Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.
- We understand the struggles associated with caring for a love one with Dementia or the Alzheimer’s disease and we want you to know that you are not alone. We at CaringLegends, LLC can help; we will give you the support you need.
- Ask about our three (3) HOURS “Nice to Know you” session. This is also referred to as our “Give Back to Our Community”; during this time, our professional caregiver will interact with your love one on a personal level, learn or listen to lifelong stories and reminisce of the pass while observing for likes and dislikes of your love one and at the same time offering compassionate care.
- CaringLegends, LLC staff may also take the opportunity to initiate a personalized Care Plan at this time.
Parkinson’s disease
Are you caring for a love one with Parkinson’s disease and need help?
- We at CaringLegends, LLC understand how frustrating it can get with the tremors and muscle stiffness. Our caregivers have developed patience, understanding and compassion to help your love one calm down and participate in activities of daily living and mobility.

Refer-A-Friend or Learn More Today
We’d love to get to know you and your family! Please contact the caregivers at CaringLegends, LLC to coordinate your care plan today.